Friday, September 23, 2016

Live Out Loud

As a young girl health and fitness was always apart of my life. I was blessed with watching my mom take care of her mind and body everyday. I played softball and basketball but dance was my life. I have always loved the confidence and strength of mind that comes with working out and eating whole foods. I knew that I wanted to do something with my life that involved helping other women.

In 2013, I became a Certified Personal Trainer, I started my business inside a women's only gym. I loved working one on one with women and helping them become stronger and their personal best. I loved being their cheerleader and help them make their lives easier through health and fitness. While I was working at the gym I also had to young boys at home, at the time one was 3 and one was a newborn. I wanted to stay home and be present with them while still building my fitness career. 

A little over a year ago I started an online health and fitness business. When I decided to take a leap of faith and join Team BeachBody I had no idea it would change my life in so many ways. Since adding BeachBody to my business, I have received top of the line business training by leaders in the company, I have spent countless hours working on personal development, and I have grown as a person in more ways then I can count. We have also had our third baby! I am on a whole new adventure with three little babies at home and running a business. I want to thrive in motherhood AND business. 

I wanted to create this blog so I had a place to come unload my thoughts and lessons. I have never been surrounded by so much useful information and tips that make life easier! I just feel like I should be shouting this amazing opportunity from the roof tops. I have so many work outs, recipes, adventures, motivational quotes and memories all stored in my phone, binders, and randoms papers. I want a place where I can share all of that information with people who will find it useful. 

I want a place where I can LIVE OUT LOUD. This is my place to share my health and fitness journey, to share my opinion, to share my life and how I live it. No rules. No box to fit in. I have been living small and quiet for to long. Im setting myself free.

Im ready to LIVE OUT LOUD
